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Employer Defense

Employer Defense Lawyers in Arizona

Providing Business Owners With Quality Legal Services

One of the most common legal issues employers are forced to deal with is employment law disputes. Due to the nature of the employer-employee relationship, disputes regarding overtime pay, unpaid wages, and wrongful termination, just to name a few, often arise.

Many employers make the initial mistake of trying to handle employment disputes independently, often in an attempt to minimize costs. However, employment matters encompass a broad range of legal issues that can be overly complex and confusing for employers to handle independently.

If you are an employer, you must have a lawyer with extensive experience handling employment law matters to represent your business.

AVID Esq. Group, LLC has highly trained lawyers with comprehensive experience handling AZ employment law cases. Our team of legal professionals can assist clients with their employment law needs so they can focus on building their businesses.

Contact our Arizona law office to schedule a free initial case evaluation so that we may determine what legal services suit your needs.

What Types of Legal Matters Does an Employment Attorney Handle?

Employment attorneys are trained to handle a wide range of issues. Some of the most common issues employment lawyers handle include:

  • Wrongful termination
  • Employment discrimination
  • Workplace retaliation
  • Sexual harassment
  • Gender discrimination
  • Employee contract disputes
  • Unpaid overtime
  • Age discrimination
  • Workers compensation disputes

Additionally, employment attorneys deal with other civil litigation issues centered on violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act, Equal Pay Act, and numerous other Arizona labor laws.

If you need help understanding Arizona employment laws, you must hire an attorney who can help you protect your business.

Contact our Arizona employment lawyers immediately to schedule a meeting to learn more about how we can assist you with your legal needs.

Why Should My Business Have an Employment Law Attorney?

In today’s society, employment law is an essential part of how businesses run their day-to-day operations. An employment lawyer is essential for businesses that need help with its fundamental aspects, which may include:

  • Employment agreements
  • Confidentiality agreements
  • Severance agreements

While many business owners hesitate to involve labor lawyers, failing to do so, when necessary, can cost an organization time and money.

Unfortunately, due to the complexities of Arizona employment law, unresolved labor issues can quickly escalate to state and federal courts. However, when employment disputes do arise, an employer must have an attorney on their side who can assist them with complex legal issues.

The main objective of AVID Esq. Group, LLC is to help employers prevent employment disputes before they can get a foothold in the business.

Our law office has in-depth experience handling complex employment law issues that include:

  • Employment litigation
  • Workplace discrimination or other accusations of violating The Civil Rights Act.

Our Phoenix, AZ, employment law attorneys have a proven record of successfully helping employers with their business law needs. If you are still deciding whether your business can benefit from hiring a legal representative, contact our law firm and ask to schedule a meeting with a Phoenix employment lawyer.

What Should Employers Know About the Arizona Employment Protection Act?

Even though Arizona is a right-to-work state, state law also dictates that an employer has the legal right to terminate an employee for any reason or no reason. Arizona employment law stipulates that the employer can terminate an employee with or without notice.

However, state employment law also directs that an employer may not terminate an employee for any reason that violates the Arizona Employment Protection Act (AEPA).

If an employee believes they have been wrongfully terminated under the AEPA, they must prove one of the following:

  • Their termination is in breach of a qualifying employment contract.
  • Their termination directly violated a specific statute contained within the AEPA.
  • Their termination was retaliatory in nature.

As an employer, you will undoubtedly have to make decisions about hiring and firing employees. However, it is always wise to consult with an employment law attorney to make well-informed decisions regarding how and when it is appropriate to terminate an employee. Only an attorney can provide accurate legal advice and ensure your business complies with state and federal laws.

AVID Esq. Group, LLC is an employment law firm dedicated to sound legal advice to protect your reputation in the community and hard-earned investment.

What Makes Your Law Firm the Right Choice to Handle Employment Disputes?

AVID Esq. Group, LLC represents clients who need help navigating Arizona employment law matters. Our employment attorneys have the skills and training needed to resolve your issues so that you can focus on growing your business.

Regardless of whether you need help with drafting employment contracts or need legal representation in a wrongful discharge case, our experienced attorneys know what it takes to get results.

Our legal team also has a well-earned reputation for assisting employers who need legal services when dealing with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Our Arizona employment lawyers also have substantial trial experience and are prepared to go to court if necessary.

Whether you have a new or existing business, employers can benefit significantly from hiring an employment lawyer to provide them with essential legal representation.

We strive to treat our clients like family and not just another transaction. As a result, our entire legal team works diligently to develop long-term client-attorney relationships.

Our law office also uses the latest technology to communicate with clients, so you never feel left in the dark regarding your case.

Contact AVID Esq. Group, LLC of Arizona, today to schedule a free no-obligation consultation to learn more about our legal services and how we can help you protect your business and good standing in the community.